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League Constitution


August 2018

League Constitution




The League shall be known as the Huddersfield and District Badminton League.



1.   Membership of the League shall be open to all Badminton Clubs in the district with playing facilities not more than 15 miles radius from Huddersfield Town Hall , subject to formal acceptance by the Working Committee.

2.   At any Special Meeting or part meeting each club shall have only one vote per club on motions for amendments to the Constitution.

3.   At the AGM or other Special Meeting each club shall have one vote per composite team entered in the League during the previous season. Clubs not having any composite teams will have one vote per mens and/or ladies team entered in the League during the previous season.

4.   In the event of a tied vote at any AGM or Special Meeting the motion will be not carried.



1.   The Annual Subscriptions shall be fixed at the AGM and shall include the cost of a full season’s results forms per team.

2.   If these fees are not received by 30 November, the fee due shall be doubled. Any club being in arrears with subscriptions as at 1 January shall be debarred from the League for the forthcoming season and all matches played will be null and void.

3.   All Officers and Officials of the League shall be eligible for re-imbursement for out-of-pocket expenses from the League Funds at the discretion of the Treasurer.

4.   Any deficiency of funds at the end of the season shall be met by equal contributions from all teams, including any teams that may have withdrawn during the season, subject to a decision of the AGM under Item 9. of the Agenda.

5.   Any club not represented at the AGM or a Special Meeting shall be subject to a fine fixed annually by the Working Committee.

6.   All clubs must be insured for Public Liability to the amount specified annually by the relevant external bodies.



1.   The Officers of the League shall be elected annually at the AGM and shall comprise: President, Chairperson, League Secretary, Fixtures and Results Secretary, Registration Secretary, Treasurer, Tournament Secretary(s), Publicity/Press Officer, and other officers as may be required.

2.   Vice-Presidents shall be elected at the AGM as desired.

3.   An Auditor shall be appointed annually at the AGM.



There shall be two committees of the League, both of which shall have the power to co-opt the services of additional members as and when the need shall arise.

1.   A Working Committee comprising the Officers of the League and at least three other members elected annually at the AGM. The President and Vicepresident(s) shall be entitled to attend meetings but not entitled to vote. One meeting of the Committee shall be held prior to the start of the season, and one during each month of the season. Additional meetings shall be called by the League Secretary if the need arises.

2.   A Tournament Committee comprising the Tournament Secretary(s) and at least two members elected annually at the AGM. Meetings of the Committee shall be held as and when necessary.



Working Committee

1.   To undertake the general running of the League

2.   To consider, and if appropriate accept, applications for membership of the League from badminton clubs within the district.

3.   To implement at the pre-season meeting the promotion and relegation rules and thereby finalise the division arrangements for the coming season.

4.   To ensure that clubs adhere to the Rules of the League, and to arbitrate on complaints and problems arising during the season.

Tournament Committee

To organise handicapped tournaments during the season; to supervise the handicapping and running of the same, and to ensure that the Tournament Trophies are received from previous winners, and engraved for awarding to the current winners.



1.   The League Working Committee may appoint an Emergency Committee and/or such other Committee as they may consider necessary and delegate all, or any, of their powers to such Committees. Such Committees shall be directly responsible to the Working Committee.

2.   Each member of the Working Committee shall have one vote thereat, but no members shall be allowed to vote on any matters appertaining to themselves, or to the clubs they represent or are members of. This principle shall apply to the procedure of any Committee. In the event of voting being equal on any matters, the Chairperson shall have a second, or casting vote.

3.   The Working Committee shall have power to apply, act upon, and enforce the rules of the League, and shall also have jurisdiction over all matters affecting the League, including any not provided for by the Rules.

4.   All decisions of the Working Committee shall be binding, and shall be notified to the clubs concerned, in writing, within 7 days of the meeting.

5.   Four voting members of the Working Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of its business.

6.   A club failing to satisfactorily attend to the business and/or the correspondence of the League shall be dealt with at the discretion of the Working Committee.



An Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than 31 May at which the following business shall be transacted:

1.   The Minutes of the preceding AGM read and confirmed, and business arising therefrom dealt with

2.   Adoption of Standing Orders

3.   Presentation and adoption of Officers’ Annual Reports

4.   Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts

5.   Format of the League for the following season

6.   Election of Officers, additional Vice-Presidents, and Committee Members, and appointment of Auditor

7.   Alteration of Rules (of which notice has been given)

8.   Determination of date of next AGM

9.   Other business of which notice shall have been given

10.Other business for comment but on which no vote shall be taken


a)   Any business for discussion at the AGM shall be submitted IN WRITING to the League Secretary eight weeks prior to the AGM; or earlier if notified of such by the League Secretary.

b)   A copy of the Agenda shall be forwarded to each club at least fifteen days prior to the meeting.

c)   A copy of the audited Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts shall be available at the AGM.



Upon receiving a requisition signed by two-thirds of the clubs, the League Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting. The Working Committee may call a Special General Meeting at any time when it shall consider the same necessary. At least 15 days notice shall be given of all meetings under this rule, together with an agenda of the business to be transacted at such meetings.



1.   An amendment to the Constitution may be proposed by either :

    a. The Working Committee   or    b. A requisition signed by two-thirds of the clubs.

2.   Upon receiving such a proposal the League Secretary shall call a SpecialGeneral Meeting for the purpose of amending The Constitution.

3.   At such a meeting a proposal to amend The Constitution must have the agreement of two thirds of the voting delegates present in order to be adopted.

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